Hank Casserleigh

Licensed Tour Guide | New Orleans

​Born and raised in the University neighborhood of New Orleans, Hank was voted the Most Humorous in his graduating class of Alcee Fortier High School.  This makes a statement about his fun and unique perspective of the city he loves so much.  Having traveled in Europe, Asia, Canada & Mexico, and South America, he has a deep appreciation for the value of touring with someone that can offer a local perspective with a wide worldview.

His 40 year career in the art industry gives him a unique point of view of the abundant talent here.   On any given evening, you will likely find him enjoying the music offerings of Frenchman Street, gallery-hopping in the Warehouse District, or devouring oysters on the half-shell at Happy Hour on St. Charles Avenue.  His passion for the Crescent City also involves his deep knowledge of its rich history, from Bienville to Katrina!  And he has some great stories that include juicy stuff about celebs and locals alike!

Hank currently resides in a nearby fishing community, in an old family home on historic Bayou Liberty, which offers him a true appreciation of the fragile coastal environment as well as the surrounding beauty that helps make NOLA so special.  

Cassandra Snyder

Licensed Tour Guide | New Orleans

​Cassandra originally arrived to the Crescent City to attend Loyola University twenty-eight years ago, and has been laying down New Orleans roots ever since.

“I was reborn in New Orleans at eighteen", Cassandra says playfully when folks ask if she is from New Orleans, "I have loved sharing the uniqueness of the Crescent City ever since. “

She grew up in a family always packing bags for their next trip.  She has lived all across the United States, as well as England and Spain, and has traveled extensively around the globe.

Cassandra has studied New Orleans’ history, cuisine, volunteered at a historic home in the French Quarter and worked in the city’s hotels. But it is out on the streets, marveling at the city's great architecture, walking under the live oaks, parading to the beat of a brass band, where Cassandra believes one truly discovers the spirit of New Orleans. 

Jordan Angle

Licensed Tour Guide | New Orleans

Jordan Angle is a native of California but a New Orleanian by choice. He is one of those visitors who came but never left! There is something in the air here, whether it is the music, the smell of great food or just the humidity that has made New Orleans home. 

There's an expression here, "If you love New Orleans, she will love you right back." and Jordan feels very loved by this city and does his best to share the love with visitors every day.  Jordan feels blessed to be in a city that attracts people, makes them smile and want to return time and time again. 

Jordan has worked in hospitality for many years, focusing on food and music. He has had the pleasure of working with many local and international celebrities and has shared his city with people from all over the world.

Jordan enjoys sharing his knowledge and passion for New Orleans with visitors from all walks of life.  

Dominick Musso

Licensed and Insured Tour Guide | New Orleans

Dominick is a New Orleans native, born at Touro Hospital in the heart of the Uptown neighborhood.  He wears his love for New Orleans on his sleeve and it is contagious.

Throughout a long career, Dominick has lived in St. Louis, Washington DC, and Birmingham, AL.  He loves to travel throughout the United States and internationally to learn about other communities and cultures but he has always made it home to New Orleans eventually.  It was no surprise to Dominick's family and friends that he chose to become a New Orleans Tour Guide (and Ambassador) in retirement.

Dominick's educational, career and volunteer background have all been focused on the development, promotion and history of New Orleans. He holds a Master's Degree in Urban Studies from the University of New Orleans and a Bachelor's Degree in Social Studies from Loyola University New Orleans.  He has worked as an Area Council Manager for the New Orleans Chamber of Commerce specializing in economic development and as a volunteer for the Council of International Visitors as a private guide for foreign dignitaries.  

Dominick's tours are fact-based, comprehensive and designed to teach visitors about the people, culture and history of New Orleans.  His goal is to provide a fun-filled, yet informative experience that helps visitors understand what makes New Orleans such a unique place to live, work and visit.

Throughout the process of booking and confirming your tour, Dominick will provide assistance with travel planning and be a local sounding board you can use to make your trip to The Big Easy memorable.

Give Dominick a call (or shoot him an email) to begin the process of booking your tour of the most unique, fun and interesting city in the US.

(504) 250-2551

New Orleans

​​Private Tours